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MORE than 800 girls across the Greater Sydney Region will attend an event on the five-year anniversary of the program in collaboration with Inspiring the Future.
Girls’ Tech Day at COSI was all about science, technology, engineering, art and math. The event shows girls they can be represented and excel in those fields now and in the future.
HERMISTON — Hermiston High School was full of fun and excitement during Eastern Oregon’s second Amazon Web Services Girls’ Tech Day on Saturday, Oct. 14. More than 150 middle school girls from the surrounding area spent the day learning about STEAM, making new friends, listening to female STEAM professionals and feeling empowered to dream big for their futures.
Jundiaí recebeu, na manhã desta terça-feira (10), a 3ª edição da Girls ‘ Tech Day no Brasil, iniciativa da AWS – Amazon Web Services, empresa de computação em nuvem, com foco no incentivo ao uso e contato com a Ciência e Tecnologia entre o público feminino. A programação da manhã foi realizada na EMEB Pedro de Oliveira, na vila Joana, e contou com a participação de cerca de 230 alunas dos quartos e quintos anos
AWS Girls’ Tech Day kicked-off its global series of events on September 30, at the Hylton Performing Arts Center. This year, Girls’ Tech Day in Virginia broke prior year event attendance records, bringing together more than 600 middle school girls to inspire in them an interest in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM).
More than 800 students from 35 schools across Western Sydney recently attended Girl’s Tech Day at Blacktown Leisure Centre Stanhope.
On Saturday 19 November PJI and AWS Indonesia stage the very first Girls Tech Day at State High School 2 Bekasi. We invited 100 young women from State High School 2 and State Vocational School 2 Bekasi to attend a very special day which promoted female engagement in the tech industry.
The Hylton Performing Arts Center at George Mason University’s Science and Technology Campus is normally bustling with performances from local, national, and international artists. On October 1, the venue was filled with a different kind of energy.
This free program kicks off in Prince William County, Virginia, and will then take place in other communities around the world.
Earlier this year, in the Swedish city of Västerås, 65 girls from the local high school - Fryxellska Skolan - gathered around Fredrik Löfgren and his lovable dancing robot, Nao.
Girls' Tech Day (was) possible because of (Hilliard City Schools') partnership with Amazon Web Services," said Mark Tremayne, director of innovation and extended learning for the Hilliard district. "(AWS) wants to give back to their communities and reached out to us to partner with us on our vision to empower girls in the STEM and STEAM fields
Cerca de 220 meninas estudantes de escolas municipais de Paulínia tiveram uma experiência diferente nesta sexta-feira, 7: elas ouviram histórias de mulheres que trabalham na área de tecnologia e colocaram a mão na massa.